Technical Calculations
Guarantee of Flow for every pipeline Flow Assurance is the key task for planning and design of any pipeline system. We develop powerful modern In-house program codes for steady state and transient analyses of pipelines for water, oil, gas, steam, slurries and multiphase flow transport. The hydraulic layout and design (hydraulic diameter, pump and valve […]
Cooling Hybrid / HYBRICOOL®
Up to 90% Reduce water consumption The Hybrid Cooling Tower uses artificial intelligence and sensitive temperature and humidity sensors to save up to 90% water compared to the cooler system. The device’s upgraded system, called ICCW, is able to increase this saving to 100%. HybriCool is focusing specifically on cooling and heat transfer applications along […]
Slug Catcher
Slug Catcher for every field development Field development networks contain a significant amount of liquids, gas and sediments which are subject to accumulation and which may interfere with a reliable operation of the system. Accumulated liquids may result in slugs which needs to be collected and separate upstream of a plant. Thus, the prevention of […]
Lifetime Monitoring
Lifetime monitoring for every power plant Monitoring of components used in the boiler as well as in high temperature piping plays an important role. The new plants utilize significantly high steam parameters and thus a lower design reserve. At the same time, especially in Germany a higher flexibility due the modulation of the power grid […]
Aluminum Fluoride
Our state-of-the art technologies Aluminum fluoride is used by aluminum producers to lower the melting point of electrolytes in the smelting process and increase production efficiency.Aluminum fluoride (AlF3) is used in the manufacture of aluminum as flux for electrolytic bath of the molten metal. Our technologies and energy-saving designs have result in 15% lower AHF […]
Power to Gas
Our state-of-the art technologies The biggest challenge of the energy turnaround is the transport and storage of renewable energies. We are taking this challenge by the production of hydrogen from renewable electricity. The hydrogen can be partially fed directly into the gas grid or converted to synthetic natural gases by methanation. The German natural gas […]
Phosphor Recycling
Phosphorus – the elixir of human being Phosphorus (P) is an essential element and is indispensable for all life processes.In 2014 the European Union has put phosphorus on the list of „critical raw materials“. In Germany, we have been thinking for years about how phosphorus couldbe tapped through secondary sources. With the re-organisation of the […]
Tire Recycling
Tire recycling – a new life for old tires Tire recycling – Our contribution to environmental protection. The recovery of the valuable raw materials from worldwide 13 million tons of scrap tires every year is a huge and currently unused potential. The upcycling of these materials is environmentally sustainable and reduces CO2 emissions. In our […]
Ash Handling
Ash Handling for each application Established on the worldwide markets for more than 50 years, we are active in the development of ash handling systems. We develop, design and supply fuel- and furnace specific disposal concepts appropriate to the site conditions, also on a turnkey-basis. The individually designed and custom manufactured ash handling plants ensure […]
Calciner / ROTAFAST®
Leader in petroleum coke calcining We are a well-established contractor and licensor in the field of petroleum coke calcining. The applied technologies comprising all units in those plants as kiln, afterburner, waste heat boiler, etc. We are building the most modern and largest plants in the world including our in-house developed ROTAFAST® Coke Cooling System […]