MMEC delivers sustainable value added design and engineering values to its customers, that provides benefits for jointly achiving project objectives.
Our Values
The core values of MMEC are integrity, professional excellence, social accountability, quality, health, safety and environment.
Health, Safety & Environment
Our vision is to embed our health, safety and environment system combined with our engineering and technology know-how with sound assessment principles in order to minimize risks and mitigate, as much as reasonably practicable any residual consequences across MMEC and within our projects.
Our company culture is based on the highest standards of quality and continuous improvement. Our aim is to be a leader in the industry by creating maximum value for our clients through excellence in the preparation and management of the tenders, projects and contracts we execute by implication of our management and leadership.
We conduct our business everywhere in the world with the highest standards of honesty, integrity and fairness. We disclose relevant information openly and transparently with our shareholders and the financial community.
We offer opportunities for success to all our suppliers, subcontractors and partners in a spirit of fair competition and mutually rewarding collaboration.
Our personnel is the heart of our strategic development, therefore we create conditions for the individual men and women of MMEC to reach their full potential.
Social Responsibility
We do not accept or practice any discrimination among our employees or applicants on the basis of sex, age, race, religion, political affiliations, nationality or disability.
We endeavor to develop an open dialogue with our employees and their representatives, concerning significant decisions that will directly affect them.
Client Focus
Lasting client satisfaction is the result of our consequently realized client orientation. It helps to achieve a better position in the market and therefore contributes to our long term existence.
We adapt and commit ourselves to the client’s requirements for quality and fulfil them within the contractually agreed framework.
We are certified and approved for:
Full Quality Assurance System (H / H1) with design examination and special surveillance
Manufacturing of pressure equipment and piping
Welding / Supervision of pressure equipment and piping
Planning of Natural Gas Plants
MTP Mannesmann GmbH | Heltorfer Str. 4 40472 Düsseldorf – Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 211 822078-0 | +49 (0) 211 822078-10 | Fax: +49 (0) 211 822078-99 | E-Mail: