Induced by our business segments and our area of operation, most of the plants MTP is planning, designing and delivering for its clients are subject to legal provisions for construction and operation, issued under public law; based on the fundamental idea of environment protection. Ensuring the timely issuance of an Authority permit is a common goal among all project players. MTP Mannesmann ( Former MMEC Mannesmann ) can accompany and support its clients through all kinds and phases of the Authority permit procedures related with their projects.
Numerous laws and ordinances define the need for an Authority approval for the construction and operation of industrial installations, which are in the range of MTP’s typically business activities. In Germany, the most relevant approval procedure is governed by the Federal Immission Control Act (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz, BImSchG) and related ordinances. The BImSchG aims at protecting population and environment from detrimental effects due to air pollution, noise, vibration, light, radiation, and similar emissions. Construction, modification, and operation of emitting facilities require a formal approval procedure. MTP’s permitting supporting services enfold a wide range of services – starting from pure delivery of technical permitting documentation, and resulting in full execution of any permitting activities in front of the Authority on behalf of client.
In any case, MTP ensures any design is up-to-date with latest environmental laws and directives.
MTP Mannesmann GmbH | Heltorfer Str. 4 40472 Düsseldorf – Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 211 822078-0 | +49 (0) 211 822078-10 | Fax: +49 (0) 211 822078-99 | E-Mail: