We provide a secured environment ensuring hosted components integrity (computer, storage, network) and the operating services associated (monitoring, backup/restore, data traceability, maintenance…) in order to deliver IT application “as a service”. Derived from this we manage an IT applications portfolio creating value to our projects and business processes by granting a reliable IT-Security. The IT Application Portfolio supports our MTP Mannesmann ( Former MMEC Mannesmann ) segments in Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC). We support our users during the evaluation of new tools, perform the installation and manage our established applications for an efficient use in our Business Projects.
Protect and secure the Information System Environment from theft or damage, as well from disruption or misdirection of the service IT provides. Preserving the confidentiality of MTP Mannesmann ( Former MMEC Mannesmann ) information and knowhow: the information must not be available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals or entities. Guaranteeing the integrity of information: MTP Mannesmann ( Former MMEC Mannesmann ) information must be accurate, reliable, and not modified by an unauthorized individual, entity, or process. Ensuring that the information needed by business and operational functions is accessible and usable upon request by an authorized individual, entity, or process.
• ComputerCenter: containing central IT resources to deliver IT applications “as a service”
• Physical and logical protection
• Network Infrastructure: Physical and technical communication platform for transportation of data between IT-devices
• Firewalls, VPN, Port control
• Devices: Server, PCs, mobile Devices as well as applications and data on it
• Secured Screen Saver, Antivirus Software, User Credentials, User Access Rights, Encryption (on demand), Remote wipe
• Cloud: Software as a Service (SaaS), Web solutions like ‘MS O365’, web data storage like ‘Onedrive’, web sites like ‘MMEC-Mannesmann.com’, private Cloud resources like ‘Next Cloud’
• Security concepts, FW-/ Endpoint-/ Gateway solutions, Authetification and Encryption mechanisms
MTP permanently urge their users to be cautious about the IS usage and respect IT Security Policies, which are consequently based on standards (ISO, DIN, BSI, …) MTP is a certified company in ISO 9001, ISO 27001, …
MTP is able to offer IT-Security Services like Penetration tests for Plant owners & operators, define IT-Security concepts for them, improve vulnerabilities by the use of own Security Products and Solutions.
MTP Mannesmann GmbH | Heltorfer Str. 4 40472 Düsseldorf – Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 211 822078-0 | +49 (0) 211 822078-10 | Fax: +49 (0) 211 822078-99 | E-Mail: info@mannesmanngmbh.com